Production lines without and with EQset

A day without EQset versus one with EQset™

There are many factors involved with running a production line that can affect its efficiency. Some of them are controllable and others are just facts of life.  Calibration (particularly calibration frequency) is one area that can be adjusted and have a considerable impact on the performance of the line. Of course, there is a trade-off. The trade-off for traditional microphones on a production line is increased uncertainty. Reduced calibration is more uptime on the line, but it results in an increase of good units being tagged bad and bad units making their way into the market, damaging customer satisfaction and adding the expense of returned products. Another option is a microphone that is stable and accurate without frequent calibration.


Setting up a production line with traditional production line microphones Setting up a production line with traditional production line microphones

John is tasked to set up a line that will be using 90 test stations, so after ordering the 90 microphones, he waits for the microphones to be produced and packed. He eventually receives 90 boxes of microphones to unbox and then store the boxes.


Once the microphones are unboxed and placed, John individually reads 90 TEDS (if they are TEDS-enabled microphones) or individually enters 90 sensitivities carefully noting placement, serial number, and channel. Then he imports 90 correction curves into the analysis software using one of the following methods: 

  • Individually import data from 90 CDs using a mini-cd reader.
  • Import data from an online server.
  • Import from USB drives with a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

John then methodically applies the correct corrections to the right microphones, and then he stores the correction curve storage media and any spare microphones along with the boxes. 

Measurement, calibration, and maintenance 

Once up and running, the line runs smoothly, but with breaks at the beginning and end of each shift for calibration and for any corrections or additional calibration that needs to be performed to reduce the impact of notable temperature or humidity shifts.  However, periodic calibration (on top of the normally scheduled calibration) to verify the measurement chain is recommended.

Of course, every now and then a microphone is damaged and needs to be replaced. When this happens, John simply takes one of the spares to the line and reads TEDS (if it is TEDS enabled) or enters the sensitivity, carefully noting placement, serial number, and channel. Then he again imports the correction curve into the analysis software using the same method as before. John then methodically applies the correct correction to the replaced microphone. 

Setting up a production line with GRAS 40PM

John is tasked to set up a line that will be using 90 test stations, so after ordering the 90 microphones, he waits for the microphones to be produced and packed. He, thanks to the short lead time of the GRAS 40PM production process, quickly receives four boxes of microphones (up to 24 microphones per box).


Once the microphones are unboxed and placed, John enters a sensitivity of 25 mv/Pa for all microphones, regardless of placement, serial number, and channel. The response curves are all uniform and flat, so there is no need for John to import correction curves. 

Measurement, calibration, and maintenance

Once up and running, the line runs smoothly, but with no breaks at the beginning and end of each shift for calibration or corrections or additional concerns for temperature or humidity shifts. However, periodic calibration to verify the measurement chain is recommended.
Of course, every now and then a microphone may be damaged and need to be replaced. When this happens, John simply takes one of the spares to the line and replaces it.

Want to know more about "Optimizing production line testing" ?
Download our new application note where we explore what EQset is and includes content on TEDS, calibration, pass-fail windows, and a comparison of testing with and without EQset.