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Automotive Acoustic Testing Microphones From GRAS
“GRAS covers all aspects of automotive audio tests and measurements. Get in touch if you have questions, need a quote or a special solution.” Santiago Rayes, Product Manager, GRAS Sound & Vibration.
Automotive acoustic standards are evolving – are you keeping up?
Constant improvements in vehicles are pushing acoustic boundaries. EV technologies, new materials, high-end audio and infotainment systems, and environmental regulation, all point to one end: Higher demands for more precise acoustic testing, new test methods and more reliable data.

A microphone for every automotive challenge
GRAS Sound & Vibration is the world leader in developing cutting-edge acoustic sensors for the automotive industry. We provide new and improved microphones for more efficient, precise, and reliable acoustic testing covering the full spectrum of EV and ICE automotive acoustic test scenarios.
Additional Resources
Brake noise
A major challenge for brake noise measurements is to be able to record brake noise at the best possible quality during on-road testing in all climate zones and weather conditions.
Read more about Brake Noise Testing ->

Engine Noise
To get optimal measurements of engine noise, you need microphones that are both able to achieve repeatable measurements in positions that are hard to reach, and that will survive rough handling and tough conditions on the proving ground.
Read more about Engine Noise Testing ->
Powertrain Noise
Even though powertrain noise is drastically reduced on EVs and HEVs, other noise sources become annoying and new frequency content is unmasked. GRAS Sound & Vibration provides a number of standardized measurement microphones for the many dierent stages of powertrain testing.
Read more about Powertrain Noise Testing ->

Buzz, Squeak and Rattle Noise
Squeak and rattle problems are often detected at a very late stage, even after production start, and can be the reason for high warranty costs. Good tools are important for fast problem identification and verification of measures like adding felt tape.
Read more about Buzz, Squeak and Rattle Noise Testing ->
Wind Noise
Mounting, demounting, remounting as well as verification of sensors become highly critical for ensuring reliable data easily, efficiently and within budgets. GRAS Sound & Vibration provides a unique range of microphone solutions for testing full-scale models in wind tunnels and on-road.
Read more about Wind Noise Testing ->

Road and Tire Noise
Road noise is one of the most annoying interior noises in any vehicle. External tire noise is also more and more critical for fulfilling pass-by noise regulations. Rugged and reliable equipment is critical since testing is often performed at a test track off-site.
Read more about Road and Tire Noise Testing ->
Vehicle Interior Noise
Vehicle interior noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) involves many dierent tests – all related to noise inside the vehicle originating from road, body, chassis, and components of the vehicle. GRAS Sound & Vibration provides solutions that can be used at all project levels, under a wide variety of measurement conditions, and across EV, HEV, and ICE vehicles.
Read more about Vehicle Interior Noise Testing ->

In-vehicle acoustics
Consumers are increasingly expecting high-quality sound systems and infotainment systems with voice commands. This drives the importance of ensuring good acoustics, free from reverberation and excess dampening in desired frequency ranges, to the fore.
Read more about In-Vehicle Acoustics Testing ->
Pass-by Noise
Pass-by noise is an important part of the branding efforts of vehicles – and without meeting regional targets for pass-by noise, a vehicle model cannot get a type approval or be put on the market.
Read more about Pass-by Noise Testing ->

Exhaust Noise
For exhaust noise testing, it is important to consider the harshness of the environmental conditions during the operational measurements: Heat, dust, humidity, and exhaust flow take their toll on your measurement equipment.
Read more about Exhaust Noise Testing ->
Select the right microphone
Which microphone is right for your project? A rugged and versatile standard microphone, or one of our highly specialized microphones designed for specific applications? Use the microphone selector to find out.