GRAS delivers record profits and revenues

The family-owned company GRAS Sound & Vibration doubles the bottom line after several years of expansion. Within the last fiscal year the revenue increased by 21% to 126.1 million DKK, making it the best financial year to date for the Danish measurement microphone company. 

When asked about the reason for the record result the CEO at GRAS Lars Kjærgaard states that it is not due to one single product, but comes from building upon the foundation which was paved in 2011 when founder Gunnar Rasmussen entrusted the company to his two sons Per Rasmussen and Peter Wulf-Andersen. This was a breaking point for GRAS going from a successful yet small technology based company to a well-known company internationally. During this process the company has invested heavily in Sales, Marketing and R&D.

GRAS people 2017 A4A3155 wide

The record result is also due to GRAS being represented through subsidiaries in North America, Great Britain and China and worldwide by distributors in more than 40 different countries. 
Even though GRAS is a global company we are confident that there are further market shares for us. By investing further in our sales channels but also in R&D we aim to gain these market shares Lars Kjærgaard explains.
Throughout the next years GRAS is expected to deliver strong results.

This article was published on the Danish News site / Jyllands Posten - read more here